Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Last Blog : Disney U.S. parks cutting jobs, seeking efficiencies


Due to consequences of the economic recession, The Walt Disney Company has cut great numbers of workers. As statistics show, Walt Disney chooses to cut a sky-rocking number of 450 job opportunity. By doing so, It causes even more poverty and unemployment to the country. In fact, this is a great example of positive feedback, which is ironically pulling us into a deeper hole of the economical downfall trap. As stated, Michael Griffin claims that further elimination of different positions will initiate because they crave to maximize profit. In February of 2009, Walt Disney has experienced a dramatic decline of 24% drop in quarterly operating income and a 4% drop in revenue in the first fiscal quarter. This is ultimately due to slower consumer spending, which is greatly influenced by the current recession. During this time of year, it is understandable that consumers choose not to spend as much.

As unlikely as it seems, this article has a lot to do with our accounting curriculum, in truth. For one thing, the ultimate goal for any profit is to maximize revenue and minimize expenses. Now, Walt Disney is doing exactly what they should be doing. By cutting down their employees, they are simply minimizing their expenses. Also, they are also playing it safe by preventing themselves to operate under large amounts of borrowed money. Realizing that using anything over one-third as leverage is considered a bad idea, they choose to reduce the number of their employees instead. For another, as said on the summary paragraph, Walt Disney has experienced a dramatic decline in their net income. In a mathematical sense, it has a low rate of return on net sales. As we all know from our accounting knowledge, rate of return on net sale is equal to net income over net sale. When the company fails to produce enough sales in tickets, their rate will simply decrease. In this case, Walt Disney has decided to compensate by cutting down its employees. Doing so, its net income would increase due to less expense and so will the rate of return on net sale.

Personal Reflection:
At an age past childhood, the prosperity of Disneyland does not have an impact on me. However, being a student in the business department, decisions regarding the prosperity of a business will indeed draw my attention. In this case, Walt Disney chooses to limit their possible expenses in a cruel way. However, this is action is forced by the nature of the economy and for the benefit of the business. On the shallow side, it may seem like it is Walt Disney’s fault for the large numbers to cuts, leading hundreds of people to lose their job. However, the truth is not as obvious this time. For all entrepreneurs, the ultimate reason to start a business is to make a profit. During times like the economic depressions, businesses and corporations must do whatever it takes to maintain their profit level. Personally, I do not believe it is their fault in doing something for the benefit for their business.

- A. Tao
Block A

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chapter 16 Blog : Now the Payoff: Cashing Out


Most Canadians residing in Canada are enforced to a high taxation system. As a result, they contribute to pension plans and difference varieties of tax shelters, such as RRSP for instance. As of February 28, 2008, the Canada Pension Plan has decided to pay more for those who wait till they are older to claim their pension. This is indeed a positive thing because they will have more money cashed out and will be given an opportunity to live a more pleasure life after countless years of working in Canada under the taxation system. Adding on to the positive, employers no longer deduct a set amount from your payroll for your set pension. Instead, they start to pay you a regular amount instead. As a result, it is clear that this new change is meant to benefit us in all.

As we may or may not notice, this change in the Canadian Pension Plan is considered a kind of payroll deduction, in truth. Every employee hired in Canada is enforced to a certain deduction after their gross pay. For example, tax and the Canadian Pension Plan are great examples today. These calculations are to be recorded in special journals and to be kept on file for record-keeping. As explained in depth in the text book, the payroll equation is stated as gross pay – deductions = net pay. As the deduction decreases, the net pay will increase because there is less to subtract. Since net pay is defined as the amount of pay remaining after all deduction, it becomes quite clear that this new change in the Canadian Pension Plan is indeed beneficial.

Personal Reflection:
In my opinion, this change in the Canadian Pension Plan should be initiated in an earlier time. Employees in Canada are subjected to a rather high percentage of tax in comparison to other countries in the world. The tax rate in Canada ironically draws approximately one-third of the gross pay. Due to this high amount, the government of Canada should compensate by providing some sort of payment in return. The improvement in pension serves a great example of the desired compensation. But on the positive side, the money submitted as tax also provides us with many social and health benefits. The high tax rate allows us to receive free medical care and up to secondary school education. Weighing out the positives and negatives, it is really difficult to say that the high percentage in taxation system is a good or bad thing. But however, one thing is for sure: the change in the Canadian Pension Plan is will be appreciated by all the employees in the work force today.

- A. Tao
Block A

Monday, March 2, 2009

Chapter 15 Blog : Maintaining the Flow of Cash in Banks


As we may or may not know, the activities done by the bank these days are adding to the severity to our current recession. Because our economy is slowly declining, many people would go to the bank for a loan. Taking advantage in this rare opportunity, the banks require higher interest rate on loans and more secure mortgages, in order to make the most profit out of customers. The reason for this approach is to safely guarantee that the money lent out will be paid back in full. For those who fail to pay off their loan, the bank would experience a less serious loss by collecting more interest during the period of their loan. As the vice president of commercial banking, David Pinsonneault claims, "we want to diligently serve our clients and take advantage of opportunities." This action ironically causes banks to be blamed for the meltdown of the financial markets in the world. For one thing, it causes hardship for those who are under a loan. For another, it makes lowers the wealth of our economy, greatly weakening the financial portion of the country. Under such circumstances, it is certainly debatable as to the fact whether the “safe” approaches done by the bank are right.

As learned from section 15.1 in our textbook, there are two types of users of financial statements for a company – the insiders and the outsiders. The insiders of a company are its owner and executive and management groups and the outsiders are bankers and other creditors, prospective investors and shareholders. Being one of the major outsiders, bankers ultimately look for the company’s ability to pay the loan. To break that down, they specifically look for the net income figure and the assets that could be cashed from their financial statements. This is exactly the case in this article. If a company is well-prospering, the bank would offer a lower interest rate because they are quite certain that they will get their money back. On the other hand, in an economic recession, this is not the case. Due to the uncertainly of whether the money lent out will be gone forever, bankers tries to protect the bank by demanding a higher interest rate when lending out a loan. Even though this safely approach appears to be rather beneficial for the bank, it is dramatically adding to the severity of the current recession.

Personal Reflection:
As a student in the business department, I strongly believe that the bank should not bare any blame for the economic recession or financial meltdown, as said in the article. For one thing, this approach only protects them from experiencing any form of loss. Since the ultimate goal in every business is to make a profit, it is reasonable for the bank to do anything prevent any net loss for their company. It is not logical to purposely favour the customer and save the economy by purposely losing money in their business, in essence. Accordingly, the bank would also compensate by offering a lower interest rate in those putting their money in the bank. Even though it is true to a certain degree that their actions are declining the economy, I personally believe it is not their fault and they should not bare any form of blame or criticism by economists.

- A. Tao
Block A

Friday, November 21, 2008

Chapter 14 Blog : Credit Card Fraud


As a result of the popularity and trends of credit cards, the global issue of credit card fraud has undesirably emerged. Currently, Canada’s financial institutions have slowly introduced a new design, incorporating a computer chip in each card. The traditional swipeable card with the old magnetic strip is gradually replacing the old form due to our technological advances. The change will prevent an anticipated loss of 300 million due to credit-card frauds. The idea is to insert it in a reading device throughout the transaction. This device will detect the computer chip, which will then be practically impossible to create a fraud for. The process of entering a PIN number is still required, but the signature part will not be needed. Enhancing the security of credit-cards, card holders will have a greater confidence carrying their credit cards out.

Chapter 14 in our textbook mainly deals with cash control and banking, but it also has an interesting section on credit cards and their different applications. With respect to the credit card section of the textbook, it is known that the practical use of credit cards could introduce a “cashless society” for us. Similarly, the popularity of credit cards and its need to incorporate a new style of security feature, as described in the article, also leads us to this utopian idea. That is the reason why credit cards are to be reinforced with a fascinating security feature of computer chip to protect and ensure us for the continuous usage of our credit cards.

Personal Reflection:
With a keen desire for a credit card like most teenagers, I would always look forward for the legal age of 18. Having cards with your name carved on your card surely symbolizes maturity and independence. But after reading this article, this idea has slowly dissipated after reading this article. Furthermore, I now believe that payment with cash does seem to be a better idea in comparisons with credit cards. For one thing, the transaction fee and annual fees will be omitted with cash. For another, with a need for a 300 million funds to introduce this new security feature, credit card frauds must be indeed serious. Not wanting to be financially scammed or experiencing any sort of unfortunate events, I now choose to stick with the old style of cash payment rather those “dangerous credit cards for adults”.

- A. Tao
Block A

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Chapter 12 Blog : Wholesaler’s Discounts


As of today, common wholesalers, such as Costco, released a marketing technique of high discount rates. Realizing that customers will visit places where they could purchase goods for a cheap price, they initiate this technique to create more revenues, despite the high discount percentage. Because all, if not most, wholesales receive their goods from manufacturers, their price of their goods when purchased must be significantly lower than the regular prices they sell to us and other retailers. Through calculations, they choose to decrease their price to increase the number of sales, maximizing their profit, indeed. "Every time a wealthy person goes into Costco, there's something there that attracts their attention" - Taylor said.

Relating to Chapter 12 of our textbook, the concept of cash discount has an entire section introducing two new accounts called “Discounts Allowed and Discounts Earned”. Due to the recent economical decline, Costco should increase their terms of sale. To put it differently, they should allow their customers, especially retailers to receive a greater discount within an extended period of time. With some common sense and critical thinking, their accounting department should increase their ‘Discounts Allowed’ account to further maximize its prosperity as a wholesaler. Understanding this concept, this is the reason why so many people choose to purchase their goods in large supplies from different wholesalers.

Personal Reflection:
Being a long-term fan of Costco, we visit there at least once a month to stock up and purchase anything that is “cheap.” In my opinion, the idea of discounts surely favours both customers and the company itself. In other words, the company receives its popularity from the public and retailers, while customers could get any desired goods for a low price, conveniently. On the down side, I extremely detest the idea of membership in Costco. Since we need to be a member to receive those amazing discounts, we must purchase its membership card on a yearly basis. In the company’s point of view, this can be an awesome marketing idea to keep their customers from leaving because this regulation indirectly forces customers to visit Costco often. But in my eyes, the cost of the membership card is a “rip-off” and the price we pay for those awesome discounts.

- A. Tao
Block A

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chapter 11 Blog : Lululemon



Currently, Lululemon Athletica is one of the most profitable cooperation in Canada. This well-known retailer emphasizes on yoga-inspired apparel for healthy living, which is commonly accepted by most females. As the prosperity of the corporation grows, it plans to add thirty-five stores in the next three to five years. This action will hopefully increase its popularity for its target market for females. As you all may know, the convenience for females to find their desired clothes wherever they go proves another type of popularity amongst the public. Lastly, this company is willing to spend most of its gross profit opening stores, proving its desire to attain popularity. As a result, its revenue has risen by 48%, proving a significant success in its profitability. “We create components for people to live longer, healthier, more fun lives” - Lululemon Athletica.

As stated in the summary article, Lululemon Athletica has proven to be an extremely accepted brand throughout the last decade. In addition, one of the reasons why it makes such a large gross profit, other than its popularity, is its low cost of goods sold. Since it has a high revenue and a declining COGS, it further increases its gross profit, making it amazingly successful. In relation to our studies of Accounting 12, Lululemon is a very good example of a retailer, in fact. Furthermore, it purchases its clothes from their unique wholesaler and manufacturers and markets them to the public. Also, the concept of Cost of Goods Sold is a major portion of theory in chapter 11 and it is the high Cost of Goods Sold that gives Lululemon its thriving prosperity.

Personal Reflection:
As an average teenage male, Lululemon Athletica surely is not one of my desired stores. Hence, I do not understand its popularity and its significant growth in acceptance and popularity for females. As surveyed around my female classmates, the popularity of this brand comes from its marketed theme of comfort. Indeed, it is the technical clothing for yoga, dancing, running and other sweaty pursuits. Despite its expensive cost in my opinion, this appears to be commonly accepted everywhere. In school, many of my female fellow classmates and students possess clothes and handbags of this kind. In my environment, this brand currently marks our teenage definition of fashion and “in style”. Even though I personally do not favour anything from the cooperation, I must admit that it is doing an excellent job in attracting our modern female market.

- A.Tao
Block A